¿Confían las compañías de seguros en los testigos?

The steps you take after a crash can be vital to protecting your rights, and one of the most important things you can do is speak with witnesses to get their statements and contact information. You’d then provide this information to your insurance company and the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Witnesses, while vital, can also be questioned by the insurance company. It’s important for you to recognize how a witness can help your case, but you should also know just how much insurance companies rely on their statements when making decisions regarding compensation.

Questioning Validity of the Witness

Even though you have provided a statement and contact information from a witness to your crash, the insurance company still wants to pay out as little as possible. This often means trying to discredit the statements made by the witness.

Insurance companies often try to question the witness’ validity by claiming characteristic problems and other issues. They may try to claim you coerced the witness to make a statement on your behalf, even if everything the witness has said is true.

Still Get Witnesses for Your Case

Even if the insurance company tries to negate the statements made by witnesses, it’s important for you to gather as many of them as possible. The more statements you have backing up your claim, the harder it would be for the insurance company to question the validity of multiple parties.

You should also have an attorney on your side who can help you refute the attempts made by the insurance company to deny a witness’ testimony. A lawyer can work with the witness and you to build up strong enough evidence to use during discovery or throughout the claims-filing process with a focus on your best interests.

At Dunk Law Firm, we truly understand how difficult it can be after an accident when dealing with insurance companies who only care about profit. Our Milwaukee car accident attorneys are here for you and will work on your behalf to safeguard your ability to pursue the rightful compensation you deserve.

For a free consultation, call our firm today at (800) 674-9339 to speak with our Memphis car accident lawyers.

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