¿Es peligroso enviar mensajes de texto en un semáforo en rojo?

Most people know the significant dangers associated with texting and driving. As such, some people think they’re fine if they stop at a red light and pull out their phones to text. It’s vital to know, though, that this can be a dangerous situation as well. Texting at a red light doesn’t mean you’re safe from harm. In fact, it can be very dangerous if you attempt it.

Cognitive Distraction

Texting is a cognitive distraction. The driver would focus too much on reading and responding to a text message. If a driver is not focused on the road, they may not recognize the light change from red to green. It could cause a crash with the driver behind them or with someone else.

Removed Hands From the Steering Wheel

A driver who is texting must hold their cell phone. They take their hands off the steering wheel. As a result, the driver may not be able to escape danger that approaches them at a red light. Obstacles exist in many situations, but if the driver is not prepared to steer clear of the obstacle, it can lead to a significant crash.

Refocusing On the Road

After someone reads and sends a text, it can take them about 10 to 15 seconds to regain their focus. They may start driving before they should or still be distracted as they take off once the light turns green. Unfortunately, this lost focus can be the source of a severe crash.

Texting behind the wheel is illegal, even if you’re stopped at a red light. If someone else is distracted and crashes into you, they should be held accountable for their negligence.

How to Get Help After a Motor Vehicle Crash

Our car accident lawyers go above and beyond to safeguard your rights. At Dunk Law Firm, we put your needs first and seek the maximum compensation available to you. Let our strategic and experienced team be there for you every step of the way. We’re here for you when you need us.

Call our firm today at (800) 674-9339.


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