Abogados de accidentes de Uber y Lyft en Houston

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Abogados de accidentes de Uber y Lyft en Houston

Hurt in a Rideshare Accident? Pursue Legal Action Today!

woman using rideshare app while waiting for car

Rideshare accidents are becoming more common as rideshare use does as well. The legal complications surrounding a rideshare accident are as problematic as they are varied. For example, rideshare drivers are not professional drivers with any sort of special training beyond a regular driver’s license. Most rideshare drivers are not even considered employees by most rideshare companies, either.

To make sense of your Uber or Lyft accident claim, start by turning to Dunk Law Firm in Houston. Our rideshare accident attorneys in Houston are well-versed in liability laws, insurance company tactics, and legal proceedings. You can leave your case in our hands and focus on your health while knowing that your claim is progressing and being taken seriously. Our Lyft and Uber legal counsel does not rest or back down when a client needs us, even if it looks like we will need to take Uber or Lyft to court.

Do you need a lawyer to sue Uber or Lyft for your accident? Contact us online to tell us what happened. Our Houston Uber and Lyft accident attorneys will get back to you as soon as we can.

En esta página:

How Do I Report a Rideshare Accident?

Every rideshare company has a different way of reporting accidents to the company. If you have been injured in a Lyft or Uber accident, follow the below steps to report your accident. However, be sure not to make any statements that could harm your case later on! Avoid saying that you were unharmed, or that you're doing okay, and speak to a rideshare accident lawyer in Houston as soon as possible after your accident.

How Do You Contact Uber About an Accident ?

  • If you were injured as a rider, you can fill out this form to notify Uber of the incident - It's always a good idea to speak to an attorney before giving any information to the insurance company
  • If you were injured as a third party, you should fill out this form

How Do You Report an Accident to Lyft?

  • To report a Lyft accident, you can find the form here - Once more, you should always discuss your accident with a rideshare lawyer before sharing too much information with the company's insurance company

What Should You Do After an Uber/Lyft Accident?

Just like with any other car accident, after being involved in a rideshare accident you should do the following:

  1. If you are seriously injured, seek medical treatment immediately
  2. Exchange contact information with the Uber or Lyft driver; get their insurance information and driver's license information as well
  3. Get contact information for any witnesses that saw the incident
  4. Take as many pictures of the accident as possible
  5. Make sure the police are notified, and if possible do not leave the scene of the accident before giving them your statement
  6. Report the accident through the Uber or Lyft app, or online as detailed above
  7. Watch what you say if the company's insurance calls and starts asking questions
  8. Speak to a lawyer about your accident if you feel you are not being treated fairly by the insurance company

Uber & Lyft Accident Insurance

Liability plays an important role in any car accident claim, including rideshare accident cases. The less liable you are for the accident, the more compensation you can collect through a successful injury claim.

will uber lyft pay for my injuries infographic

Uber and Lyft accidents start to diverge from the typical car accident case when examining insurance policies and fault. Since Uber and Lyft drivers are not employees, the two rideshare companies can never be technically “at-fault” for a crash caused by a rideshare driver using their app. They can still be “liable” for a claimant’s damages, though, due to their umbrella insurance policies.

Uber and Lyft will provide complex insurance policies sorted into three periods:

  • Period 1: When the rideshare driver is not using the app and does not have a fare, Uber and Lyft do not accept any liability for a crash caused by that driver. You will have to bring a claim against the driver’s private insurance provider as you would following any other motor vehicle accident.
  • Period 2: When the rideshare driver has turned on the app and is looking for a fare, Uber and Lyft will provide some bodily injury and property damage coverage.
  • Period 3: When the rideshare driver has accepted a fare and has the app still on, whether they are going to pick up their passenger or already have them in the car, Uber and Lyft can each apply a $1-million policy to a crash.

The $1-million policy might only be applicable once other means of compensation are explored. For example, you might need to file a claim against the rideshare driver’s insurance policy and get as much compensation from them as possible before Uber or Lyft will consider providing for excess damages.

Can a Passenger Sue an Uber/Lyft Driver?

While your best bet for fair compensation will usually be in pursuing a claim against the rideshare company itself, this isn't always possible. In cases where you cannot file an injury claim against Uber or Lyft, you may still have grounds to sue the driver themselves. Most Uber or Lyft drivers are required to carry their own insurance in addition to the insurance coverage provided by the company. This means that if the driver was at fault for your accident but wasn't actively working at the time of the accident, you may still be able to recover compensation through the driver's personal insurance.

Comprehensive Guidance, Compassionate Representation

Dunk Law Firm in Houston is proud to be the first name locals trust after being in an Uber or Lyft accident that was not their fault, either as another driver or as a passenger. We have the legal knowledge, practice experience, and reputation required to take on major companies like Uber and Lyft for you.

When you need to get compensation but do not where to start, just pick up the phone, dial (713) 575-1991, and chat with one of our Uber and Lyft accident lawyers in Houston. Our Lyft/Uber accident law firm in Houston is here for you!

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