Abogados de accidentes de coche en Memphis

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Abogados de accidentes de coche en Memphis

Fighting for Car Accident Victims in Tennessee

woman leaning against a damaged car and holding head after crash

Each year in Tennessee, over 400,000 people are injured and more than 900 are killed in motor vehicle accidents statewide. Texting and driving and other distractions behind the wheel are a major cause of crashes—225,622 wrecks were caused by distracted drivers between 2010 and 2020. Alcohol use contributed to 74,500 crashes during roughly the same time period.

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by the negligent or reckless conduct of another motorist in Tennessee, you have the right to pursue compensation to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and other accident-related damages. Dunk Law Firm can help you receive the just compensation you deserve. Our Memphis car accident attorneys are local, experienced, and dedicated to securing the recovery our injured clients need.

Want to learn more about how we can help you? Give us a call at (901) 231-4779 or submit an online contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with an attorney.

En esta página:

Determining Car Accident Liability

Tennessee is a traditional fault state when it comes to auto accident liability, meaning you must file any insurance and personal injury claims against the at-fault driver’s carrier. Therefore, if you choose to file a car accident claim for damages, you must be able to prove who caused the accident in order to receive compensation. If fault is unclear, your car accident attorney can investigate the scene of the crash and collect evidence to determine who is legally liable for your damages.

The Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

Determining exactly what caused your car accident is a key component of your claim considering fault is so important. Some of the most common causes of car wrecks in Tennessee include:

All the above actions are caused by human error, which is indicative of negligence in a car accident claim. If such negligence leads to you or someone you love being injured or killed, you have the right to take legal action.

Steps to Take If You Are Involved in a Car Accident in Memphis

police officer taking car accident report

Following any car accident, even a minor fender bender with no perceptible injuries, there are certain important steps everyone involved should take in order to protect their health as well as the success of a potential claim. Otherwise, you could be facing a long a difficult recovery because you refused to see a doctor; or you might lose out on receiving compensation because you forgot to save a copy of an important receipt.

If you find yourself in a car crash in Tennessee, take the following steps as soon as possible:

  • Seek medical attention for your injuries: Call an ambulance if you are or anyone involved in the crash is seriously injured. Otherwise, wait to see a doctor until after you leave the crash scene. Make sure you go even if you feel fine, as internal injuries can be hard to detect at first. If you don’t see a doctor after your accident, the insurance company may try to use this as proof that you weren’t actually injured or that your injuries aren’t serious enough to warrant compensation.
  • Document the accident scene as thoroughly as possible: Take pictures of all property damage and injuries, write down what you can remember about how the accident happened, and exchange contact information with any involved motorists and nearby witnesses.
  • File an accident report with the police: The police will interview any drivers involved in the crash as well as witnesses in order to conduct their own investigation into the crash. This investigation can act as evidence to support your claim.
  • Follow all of your doctor’s orders regarding your recovery: Head to the doctor if you haven’t already and follow any orders they give regarding treatment. Otherwise, the insurance company can use your disregard of your doctor’s orders to discredit your claim.
  • Obtain copies of your medical records from your doctor: In fact, save copies of any documentation related to your accident, including medical bills, receipts related to car repairs, and a copy of the police report.
  • Inform your insurance company of the accident—but don’t sign anything: Let your insurance carrier know what happened, but don’t agree to any settlements without talking to a car accident lawyer in Memphis first. Insurance companies tend to only look out for their bottom line, so the initial offer will likely be much less than you need or deserve.
  • Don’t talk to the other side’s insurance company: As soon as a car accident occurs, any insurance carriers involved will start to build cases against each other’s clients. This means that even if you didn’t cause the accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will try to make it look like you did. They will use anything you say to strengthen their case against you, so make sure you don’t give any written or vocal statements to any insurance agents until consulting with an attorney. If an insurance agent calls you, give them your lawyer’s contact information and then hang up.
  • Contact an experienced car accident attorney in Memphis: Schedule a free consultation with a lawyer to learn about your rights and what you should do next. If you choose to take legal action, an experienced car accident lawyer will assist with the claims process and negotiate a settlement on your behalf.

How Do I Get an Accident Report in Memphis, TN?

Obtaining a copy of the police report from your accident can help build your case. In Memphis, to get a copy of your accident report you simply need to do one of the following:

  1. Request a report online here - You will need to pay a $10 fee to obtain a copy of the report. You will also need to provide your last name, date of your accident, the agency that took the report, and your driver's license number. You will also be required to provide one of the following: a VIN, License Plate, Case or Tracking Number.
  2. Visit a Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) office or the office of whichever agency took the report - You can request a copy of the report in person for a $4 fee. You will need to wait up to 7 days after the crash for your report to become available. You will need to provide the following information in order to purchase the report: the date of the crash, the county in which the crash occurred, the names of the drivers involved and the agency tracking number.
  3. Request a report via mail - This method can take 2-3 weeks or longer and is not recommended. If needed, you can send a cashier's check, money order or business check for $4 along with this request to the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security.

What Damages Can You Collect for a Car Accident?

what damages can you collect for a car accident infographic

"Damages" can refer to both economic and non-economic injury. That means that when pursuing a car accident lawsuit you can seek compensation for out-of-pocket costs, as well as emotional damages. A typical car accident settlement will include compensation for the following:

  1. Medical bills (ambulance ride, surgeries, medication, physical therapy, etc.)
  2. Damaged property
  3. Lost income if you are forced to miss work or quit your job
  4. Dolor y sufrimiento
  5. Emotional damages

Our auto accident lawyers in Memphis can help you determine what a fair settlement would be based on the facts of your case. Call today to get started with a free consultation.

How Much Should You Settle For After a Car Accident?

Our team never gives a suggested settlement value without first knowing the details of your case. This is because every car accident is unique and every victim suffers unique injuries that affect their lives in different ways. Depending on the different factors of your case, your claim could be worth anything from $10,000 to $50,000; sometimes even more!

A good car accident lawyer will examine the details of your case first, and then work with you to determine a fair settlement amount. If you aren't sure whether or not you've been offered a fair settlement by the insurance company, you can reach out to our team and request a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your accident.

Do I Really Need to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

Hiring a lawyer after your accident can feel like a very serious step, but the truth is that if you were injured, it's probably the best decision you can make. Insurance companies may seem willing to offer you a generous settlement, but unless you speak with a professional accident attorney, you have no way of knowing whether or not their settlement offer will actually cover your accident costs.

For example, insurance companies may not take into account missed work, pain and suffering, or injuries that take a long time to heal or require ongoing physical therapy. Not only that, but insurance companies always have their eye on protecting their bottom line, which means that they will always offer to pay as little as possible. By hiring a lawyer, you show the insurance company that you take your claim seriously and you expect to receive fair compensation. Statistics have shown that injury victims who are represented by a lawyer typically recover higher settlements than those who represent themselves.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Worried that you may not be able to afford an attorney? Here's where we come in. Our team at Dunk Law Firm takes cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you only pay our fee if we actually win your case for you. If we aren't able to recover any compensation on your behalf, you can walk away without paying us. This arrangement helps alleviate any financial burden you may already be facing from your medical bills, missed work, and more. Rather than stressing about money, you can focus on your recovery. Let us handle your claim for you.

Is There a Time Limit for Car Accident Claims?

Yes! It's important that you don't delay when deciding whether or not to file a lawsuit for your car accident. Each state has what is called a "statute of limitations" which means that if you wait too long to file your claim, you may lose your right to pursue compensation at all. In Tennessee, car accident victims must file a lawsuit within 1 year of the date of your accident. This is a relatively short timeframe compared to other states, so it's especially important that you act immediately.

How Long Does a Car Accident Lawsuit Take?

There is no set timeline for how long your car accident lawsuit will take, but the average timeframe is 6 months to over a year. This will depend on a variety of factors including:

  • How long it takes for you to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI)
  • Whether or not the insurance company is willing to settle outside of court
  • How long it takes to compile evidence and build a strong case for you

Depending on the unique details of your accident, your case could take a few months to resolve or several years. No matter how long it takes, you can rest assured that our team of injury lawyers will be working hard to get the results you deserve.

Let Us Fight for the Recovery You Deserve

At Dunk Law Firm, our Memphis car accident attorneys are committed to helping car accident victims fight for the maximum compensation they are rightfully owed. You have already endured enough pain and suffering—let us assist you with the legal process so you can focus on your recovery. Our legal team genuinely cares about our clients and their futures, so we stand ready to aggressively advocate for you.

Don’t wait to get the help you deserve. Reach out to our firm for a free consultation at (901) 231-4779 or contact us online.

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