Fatal Car Accident Lawyer in Beaumont, TX

En Dunk Law Firm, realmente nos preocupamos por todos y cada uno de nuestros clientes. Sabemos que estar involucrado en un accidente inesperado o perder a un ser querido en un incidente trágico es abrumador. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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Fatal Car Accident Lawyer

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the amount of fatal car accidents in the U.S. has started to climb once again, after staying fairly constant for nearly fifteen years. More than 36,000 Americans were killed on roadways across America in 2018, with Texas accounting for virtually one of every ten (3305) deaths on the roads. If you have lost a loved one in a car accident caused by another person's wrongful actions, you need a proven personal injury attorney to defend your legal rights. You want Dunk Law Firm.

Comprehensive Legal Counsel for Individuals Who Suffer Loss Due to a Fatal Car Accident

We established our successful practice on hard work and a dedication to provide 100% of our efforts to every client. We understand the value of productive communication, and we'll keep you involved and informed at every step of the process. We'll immediately inform you of all developments in your case, as well as your rights, options, and chance of success, so you can make the right choices for yourself and your family.

What Should I Do Immediately After a Deadly Automobile Accident?

The sooner you call and hire an experienced attorney, the better your chances of recouping full and fair compensation for your losses. The longer you wait, the higher the risk that evidence will get lost or jeopardized, or that witnesses will pass away, move away, or start to forget what they witnessed.

The more evidence you can collect immediately after the accident, the better. Take pictures of everything, using your cell phone camera, if needed. Get contact info from everybody involved in the accident, along with all witnesses.

How Can Dunk Law Firm Help Me After a Fatal Car Wreck?

At Dunk Law Firm, we have extensive experience successfully fighting for the rights of people whose loved one dies in a car wreck. We understand how Texas courts evaluate fatal car accidents as well as the kinds of evidence most likely to persuade a jury to award complete and fair compensation.

What Kinds of Damages Can I Recoup After a Deadly Automobile Accident?

Dunk Law Firm will help you seek complete and reasonable compensation for:

  • financial support the deceased would have given you
  • unpaid or unreimbursed medical bills acquired by the deceased because of the accident
  • loss of companionship, consortium, support, nurturing, and affection due to the passing of your loved one
  • costs of funeral and burial expenses

What Are Common Reasons for Deadly Auto Accidents?

A deadly motor vehicle wreck might happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Driver error-- Failure by another motorist to pay appropriate attention to the street or other motorists
  • Distracted driving-- Drivers distracted by handheld devices, other people in the vehicle, roadside attractions, or other things
  • Hazardous or faulty car parts-- Defective brakes, faulty tires, cracked windshields
  • Street hazards-- Construction equipment, potholes or loose gravel, broken traffic signals or signs

Get In Touch with Dunk Law Firm for a Proven Fatal Automobile Accident Attorney

When a cherished loved one is killed in a motor vehicle accident because of someone else's carelessness, you need a skilled attorney to help you get complete and fair compensation. The proven deadly automobile accident lawyers at Dunk Law Firm provide a free initial consultation. We handle all fatal motor vehicle accident lawsuits on a contingent-fee basis. You will not pay any legal fees unless we get compensation for your losses.

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