Abogados de accidentes de coche en Houston

En Dunk Law Firm, realmente nos preocupamos por todos y cada uno de nuestros clientes. Sabemos que estar involucrado en un accidente inesperado o perder a un ser querido en un incidente trágico es abrumador. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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Abogados de accidentes de coche en Houston

Going Up Against Major Auto Insurance Companies

two cars involved in a serious crash

Auto accidents remain one of the leading causes of death in the country, with thousands of people losing their lives each year and millions more suffering serious injuries. If you or someone you love has been caught in one of these countless crashes in Houston, then Dunk Law Firm can help you explore and utilize your legal options. We have been standing up for the wrongfully injured in and out of court since 2004. Along the way, we have built a reputation for showing genuine compassion to our clients and steadfast tenacity to the opposition.

Our car injury law firm can represent you if you have been seriously injured in a car accident. Our legal abilities also allow us to represent you if you have lost a loved one in a fatal traffic collision. In either situation, we will be devoted to doing the most for you.

Call (713) 575-1991 to start your Houston car accident claim. Se habla español.

En esta página:

Texas Liability Laws & Car Accidents

Texas allows you to seek compensation from another driver who caused your crash using the state’s liability laws. Our Houston car wreck attorneys will want to prove the other driver’s liability was as high as possible. The lower your liability, the more compensation you can recover. If your liability is ever greater than 50%, then you cannot collect damages from the defendant.

For example, you are hurt in a car accident and experience $100,000 in damages when all things are considered. We are able to prove you were only 10% liable for the accident, meaning the other party was 90% liable, which would entitle you to demand $90,000 in compensation.

How Do You Prove Negligence in a Car Accident?

In order to win a personal injury claim for your Texas car accident you will need to prove that the other driver was acting in a negligent manner which directly resulted in your injuries. Every driver is expected to demonstrate a certain level of care while operating a vehicle. This includes things like:

  • Keeping your eyes and focus on the road
  • Obeying all posted laws and rules of the road
  • Not operating a vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs
  • Keeping their vehicle under control
  • Maintaining their vehicle so that it doesn't lead to an unexpected accident

Failure to observe any of the above may constitute negligence, especially if it directly caused your accident and thereby your injuries.

How Much Should You Expect from a Car Accident Settlement?

No car accident is exactly the same as another. That means that each settlement will be different. However, when it comes to calculating a fair accident settlement, our Houston accident attorneys will take into account the following damages:

  1. Any medical costs
  2. Any missed work or lost income resulting from your injuries
  3. Any ongoing therapy or rehabilitation required after your accident
  4. Mental anguish or PTSD following your crash
  5. Dolor y sufrimiento

If you have lost a loved one in a car accident, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim against the responsible party, which can help you recover compensation for damages including medical, funeral and burial costs.

What Are Common Car Accident Injuries?

Car accidents, whether serious or minor always have the potential to cause serious injury to the vehicle occupants. Some of the most common car accident injuries include:

  • Lesiones de la médula espinal
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Concussions
  • Torn or sprained muscles or ligaments
  • Cuts or abrasions
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Accidental amputation
  • Back or disc injuries
  • Whiplash and other neck injuries
  • Damage to internal organs
  • Serious burn injuries

No matter how severe your injuries are, if you have been hurt in a car crash, you may have grounds for a personal injury claim against the responsible party.

What Should You Do After Your Car Accident?

what to do after a car accident infographic

The best evidence for most car accident claims is found immediately after the crash and while you are still at the scene. When our car accident attorneys in Houston work with you, we will want to see if you were able to collect some of these preferred forms of evidence.

Let us know if you did any of the following after your crash:

  • Emergency responders should be called to assist with any car accident that caused a serious injury or scattered vehicular debris into the road. They can help get the situation under control, and the official reports they create can be used by our auto accident attorneys later.
  • Taking photographs of the accident scene is a reliable way to establish what happened and why. The more photographs you took, the better. Our Houston car wreck lawyers will want to see as many as you have taken because you never know which picture will reveal something useful.
  • Going to the doctor as soon as you can after a car accident is a must, even if you do not feel seriously injured. A trusted medical provider can evaluate your health and make a diagnosis. We can use their notes and records, too.

When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

car accident lawyer helping victim calculate settlement

Sometimes minor car accidents don't require you to hire a Houston accident lawyer. It all depends on whether or not your insurance company agrees to pay you a fair settlement. However, there are certain circumstances where your accident claim may be more complex. If you have experienced any of the following after your accident, you may want to consider hiring an auto accident lawyer in Houston:

  1. You suffered injuries in the accident
  2. You were forced to miss work while recovering from your injuries
  3. Your insurance company is refusing to cover all of your damages
  4. The other party is blaming you for the accident or insisting that you were partially responsible
  5. You believe you may have to go to court and you are unfamiliar with the legal process
  6. You aren't sure how much you should ask for in a settlement

How Does the Car Accident Lawsuit Process Work?

While each case is unique, in general most car accident lawsuits follow a similar process:

  • We begin by researching and compiling evidence for your case
  • We file a complaint with the defendant or their insurance company
  • The defendant is able to respond to the complaint by offering to negotiate or providing a counter-offer to your demand letter
  • We will begin the discovery phase in which we research and exchange information with the defendant's legal team; we will also continue to negotiate your settlement with the defendant
  • If we are not able to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf we will take your case to court and fight on your behalf before a judge or jury
  • The judge or jury will rule on your case

What Causes Most Car Accidents?

Establishing fault in a car crash claim can be a tricky process, but our car accident lawyers in Houston know where to look. For example, studying the exact cause of your car accident can be a good starting point to establish liability. What did cause your crash, though? Let us look into it while you rest.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Texas are:

Houston Car Accident Statistics

The following statistics were pulled from the Texas Department of Transportation Traffic Crash Facts report for 2020:

  • In 2020 Texas experienced a 7.54% increase in traffic fatalities (over 3,800 deaths)
  • In the same year there were over 12,100 serious injury crashes throughout the state (over 14,600 people injured)
  • Interestingly, over 51% of traffic fatalities in the state occurred in rural areas
  • In 2020 there were 865 people killed in crashes occurring in intersections

It's estimated that in 2020 1 person was killed every 2 hours, 1 person was injured every 2 minutes, and 1 reportable crash occurred every 1 minute. There were no days in 2020 were a death did not occur due to traffic accidents.

Only Maximized Compensation Will Do

When our Houston car accident attorneys of Dunk Law Firm take a case, we commit to doing the most for our clients. Securing every penny of compensation that you deserve is our objective. Standing up for the wrongfully injured is our calling. If you need to seek medical bills, property repair costs, lost wages, and noneconomic damages after a car accident, then you will want to make us the first legal team you call.

Dial (713) 575-1991 as soon as you need an attorney for your car accident! Free consultations are available.

Otros servicios

Oficina de Houston

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Houston, TX 77002

(713) 575-1991

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149 Monroe Ave.
Memphis, TN 38103

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777 Jefferson Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(713) 575-1991