Abogados de accidentes de vuelco en Houston

En Dunk Law Firm, realmente nos preocupamos por todos y cada uno de nuestros clientes. Sabemos que estar involucrado en un accidente inesperado o perder a un ser querido en un incidente trágico es abrumador. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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Abogados de accidentes de vuelco en Houston

Compassionate Legal Help After a Harrowing Accident

Did you suffer serious injuries in a car accident that caused your car to rollover? The devastation of the accident might have also left you psychologically traumatized. If the accident was not your fault, then you deserve fair and maximized compensation from the party or parties that did cause it.

Dunk Law Firm in Houston is standing by to provide comprehensive and compassionate legal guidance to any client who has been hurt in a rollover accident. We know that the extent of your injuries in such an accident can be severe, so we double our already-impressive efforts to get you the best case result possible. Securing 100% of your owed compensation and letting you focus on your health and happiness are our top priorities as your trusted legal advocates.

There is no cost to learn more about your rights after a rollover accident. Call (713) 575-1991 to schedule a free consultation.

Four Ways Rollovers Happen

Was your rollover accident caused by any of these events or issues?

  • Side-impact collision: A T-bone collision can force the impacted vehicle onto its side and keep rolling. This dangerous accident is more likely to occur when a smaller vehicle is hit by a heavier commercial truck, which has more weight and force to tip other vehicles in a crash.
  • Vehicle defects: Problems with a vehicle’s design or the parts that go into it can cause a rollover accident. For example, SUVs with high centers of gravity might be prone to rolling over when rounding a corner quickly, especially if there is luggage stacked on top of the vehicle.
  • Loose debris in the road: Driving over a small object in the road can cause your vehicle to “trip,” which is when a single tire jumps off the road momentarily and makes the vehicle whip to the affected side. A severe “trip” can cause a car to flip onto its side and start rolling.
  • Poor road conditions: Poorly maintained roads can be the cause of a rollover accident. For example, roads at extreme inclines, without warning signs, or with deep potholes are hazardous and may cause a rollover crash.

Get Medical Help & Legal Counsel

After a rollover accident, you need to see a medical professional as soon as possible. The medical records they create will be instrumental in showing the extent of your injuries and how much compensation you require to treat them fully and properly.

Once you have seen a doctor, the next thing to do is dial (713) 575-1991 and connect with Dunk Law Firm. Our Houston rollover accident lawyers would be happy to explain our contingency fee agreements to you during a free consultation. In short, contingency fees let you hire our lawyers without paying us upfront and with the agreement that we only get paid our attorney fees if we win your case!

Otros servicios

Oficina de Houston

717 Franklin St
Houston, TX 77002

(713) 575-1991

Oficina de Memphis

149 Monroe Ave.
Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 231-4779

Oficina de Milwaukee

777 Jefferson Street
Milwaukee, WI 53202

(713) 575-1991