Premise Liability Lawyer in Galveston, TX

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Galveston Premises Liability Lawyer

Hazardous conditions like faulty wiring, improperly stacked merchandise and loose carpeting cause accidents leading to major injury. Businesses and property owners have an important responsibility to create safe environments for their customers and visitors. This also includes walkways and parking lots, in addition to individuals they employ. Employees are there to serve and at times, even protect people who go to their places of business. The lawyers at Dunk Law Firm, are experienced in the legal responsibilities and liabilities of businesses or organizations that fail to offer these safe environments.

You can easily sustain injury through no fault of your own when you visit property such as a store, office building, motel or apartment complex. If the owner or occupant of the property knew of a dangerous condition or activity that led to your injury and neglected to take timely, reasonable steps to protect you from it, you may be eligible to recover full compensation for all harm you have suffered. You should immediately get help from an experienced Galveston premises liability attorney.

Premises Liability Cases 

When you work with Dunk Law Firm, we will carefully review the facts of your claim. We will determine and pursue all of your legal options against the owner or occupier of the property where your injury occurred. Typically, the matters that we will concentrate on include:

  • Duty-- Did you lawfully visit the property? For example, were you a customer at a store, a guest at a hotel or a social guest at a person's home? If so, the property owner or occupier owed a duty to exercise ordinary care to make sure that the property was safe for you. In other words, the owner or occupant needed to take reasonable steps to protect you from any dangerous condition on the property that the owner or occupant knew or reasonably should have known about and which you would not have been expected to find on your own.
  • Breach-- Did the owner or occupier neglect to repair the hazardous condition in a reasonable, timely manner or, at the very least, to warn you about it? If so, the owner failed to fulfill the duty owed to you and could be held legally responsible for your injuries.
  • Causation-- Did the carelessness of the owner or occupier contribute to the injuries that you suffered, or did something else-- possibly your own actions-- cause the injuries?
  • Damages-- Did you suffer actual injury as a result of the failure of the property owner or occupant to fulfill the duty owed to you? This means that you must prove that you suffered real physical, emotional and/or financial harm.

It is always important to look at the ways a property owner or occupant will attempt to avoid liability. For instance, the owner or occupant might claim that you were a trespasser or claim that you sustained injuries because you walked into an "open and obvious" hazard. The attorneys at Dunk Law Firm, will be prepared to take on those issues and protect your right to full and fair compensation.

Types of Premises Liability Claims

A premises liability claim can emerge in many different situations. Some of the most common premises liability claims that our law firm handles include:

  • Slip and falls-- These accidents usually occur due to wet and slippery floors, poor lighting, damaged and uneven walkways, torn or frayed carpeting and icy or snowy walkways and parking lots. In addition, a lot of falls occur due to defects such as damaged stairs or handrails.
  • Falling objects-- Many individuals sustain injuries when improperly stacked merchandise falls from store shelves or when workers drop tools, equipment and materials at construction sites.
  • Contamination-- Landlords, in particular, subject tenants and their visitors to harm when they neglect to perform regular inspections and remedy issues such as mold accumulation, lead paint, carbon monoxide or gas leaks. Usually, their negligence violates local building codes.
  • Escalator and elevator accidents-- These incidents usually happen when building owners or tenants fail to routinely inspect and maintain elevators and escalators in stores, shopping centers and office complexes.
  • Negligent security-- Many assaults occur in shopping centers, office buildings, apartments, hotels and motels because property owners and managers fail to protect guests from known security risks, or they hire workers without an adequate criminal background check.
  • Swimming pool accidents-- Drownings and near-drownings might occur if a property owner or occupant fails to adequately maintain a swimming pool and features such as slides and diving boards. Pool owners should also use a fence or locked gate to keep out children and protect against the foreseeable risk of an accident.

Compensation in a Premises Liability Lawsuit

Our goal at Dunk Law Firm, will be to acquire maximum compensation for you in your premises liability case. We know how hazardous property conditions can cause individuals to suffer serious, life-changing injuries such as traumatic brain injury, back and spine injuries, fractures, burns and soft tissue injuries. We will work hard to pursue damages on your behalf such as:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost income (including lost future earning capacity)
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Psychological distress
  • Wrongful death damages (if you lost your loved one)
  • Punitive damages

We will determine all sources of compensation for you and aggressively challenge any attempts by the property owner or occupier (or its insurance provider) to blame you for your injuries and deny or reduce the amount of your claim.

Our Galveston Premises Liability Attorneys Are Ready to Help You

At Dunk Law Firm, we will move quickly to investigate your claim. We work with experienced investigators who can document the scene of your accident, talk with witnesses and track down various other evidence such as surveillance camera footage. We also frequently consult with experts that help us to figure out exactly how a dangerous property condition caused an accident. A big part of our investigation may involve tracking down the identity of the property owner or person that was otherwise in control of the premises where you or a loved one was injured.

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