Abogados de colisiones frontales en Memphis

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Abogados de colisiones frontales en Memphis

Recovering Damages for Car Accident Victims in Tennessee

Head-on collisions are one of the deadliest types of car accidents that often transform the lives of individuals and families involved. Due to the force applied and the point of impact, many injuries are serious and even fatal after these types of accidents. If you’ve been injured or have lost a loved one in a motor vehicle accident, you may be going through a dark time in your life and don’t have the time to also worry about your finances. Dunk Law Firm can handle the personal injury claim process for you and aim to recover compensation when you call us for help. With years of experience and millions in damages recovered for past clients, we have the knowledge needed to take care of your outstanding bills and future costs of care. Our head-on collision lawyers operate in Memphis and throughout Tennessee, as well as in Texas and Wisconsin, and we’re happy to meet with you on weekends or after hours.

Call (901) 231-4779 for a free consultation with one of our caring and professional attorneys, or fill out our online form. There are no fees involved unless we win.

How Head-On Collisions Happen

A head-on collision occurs when vehicles such as cars, trucks, and motorcycles traveling from opposite directions collide. They mostly occur on two-way roads and can be especially deadly on highways where vehicles are traveling at speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour. Accidents can occur when one car drifts onto the opposite lane and drives into oncoming traffic, makes a dangerous turn, or drives the wrong way on a one-way street.

The unique nature of head-on crashes means that most of these accidents are caused by human error, or negligence. As a result, injured individuals or surviving family members can typically file personal injury or wrongful death claims against the at-fault driver and recover damages.

The following factors are known to cause a majority of head-on collisions in Tennessee and the United States:

  • Drunk driving: It’s well known among Americans that alcohol can impair your motor and cognitive functions, which can have a major impact on the way you drive. Unfortunately, countless drivers still drive after they’ve had a lot to drink and can cause head-on crashes when they lose their sense of direction or have impaired reflexes.
  • Distracted driving: Individuals who are texting, on their phones, or doing anything else while driving may miss important traffic signals such as a sign alerting them that they’re turning onto a one-way road. It’s important that all drivers remain focused on the road, even when they’re lost and trying to navigate with their GPS.
  • Speeding: Drivers who speed have less time to respond to a sudden hazard or emergency and may brake too hard or swerve, which can push them into oncoming traffic. Speeding also increases the chance of a driver losing control of their vehicle, particularly when making turns or driving around curves.
  • Fatigued driving: Many head-on collisions occur when drivers doze off or fall asleep entirely at the wheel, causing them to lose control of their car or drift into opposing lanes. Driver fatigue is common among truck drivers who have to drive long shifts to transport cargo.

Damages to Expect After Serious Injury or Death

Because head-on collisions typically lead to catastrophic injuries or fatalities, victims can expect more expensive medical bills and additional lost wages from having to miss days, weeks, or months of work. Permanent paralysis that prevents a person from being able to walk, for example, may require the victim to be hospitalized, pay for physical therapy, and acquire equipment like a wheelchair and lifts, all of which can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars over time. Other common injuries resulting from these crashes include burns, spinal cord and neck injuries, and head and brain trauma.

Additionally, families who lose loved ones often find themselves in debt with not just the deceased’s medical bills, but their own funeral bills, lost income, property damage, and other expenses as well.

How Long Do I Have to File a Claim in Tennessee?

If you wish to recover damages through a personal injury claim in Tennessee, it’s of the utmost importance that you call our Memphis head-on collision attorneys and get started as soon as possible. All states have their own deadlines for filing claims, and Tennessee gives victims just one year from the date of their accident to file car accident claims. When you miss your deadline, you also miss your chance to be properly compensated – the courts will most likely reject your claim and you won’t be able to hold the at-fault driver responsible.

Dunk Law Firm handles claims efficiently thanks to our years of experience and understanding of the legal system in the U.S. and in Tennessee. We can be trusted to pursue the money you need to heal.

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