Abogados de accidentes de camiones en Milwaukee

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Abogados de accidentes de camiones en Milwaukee

Millions Recovered for Victims & Their Families

semi truck that has collided with another vehicle

Motor vehicle accidents involving large commercial vehicles, like semi-trucks, are far more common than many people realize. If you or your loved one was involved in such an accident, you already know the devastating consequences they can have. Victims typically suffer catastrophic or even fatal injuries. Often, it’s not only the victims who suffer such life-altering consequences but the families and loved ones of victims as well, as they must alter their lives to care for victims or deal with the tragic loss of their loved ones.

At Dunk Law Firm, we believe you should not have to face the consequences of someone else’s negligence on your own. Our Milwaukee truck accident attorneys are here to advocate for you and the fair recovery you are owed. We are prepared to use our 16+ years of experience and access to invaluable resources in order to fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

Our Milwaukee 18-weeler accident lawyers have recovered millions of dollars for our clients. Call (414) 206-1295 or contact us online to learn more during a free initial consultation.

En esta página:

On this page we dig into some of the most common truck accident FAQ and provide answers to your questions:

Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Truck Accident Claim?

The short answer: Yes. Truck accident claims tend to be extremely complex, due to the severity of these accidents, the extent of the victims' injuries, and the number of potentially liable parties. You need someone on your side who is not afraid to take on major trucking insurance companies and who can pursue compensation for both your current and future damages.

One thing that makes truck accident claims so complex is the issue of liability. Unlike in passenger car accident cases, truck drivers are typically on the clock when crashes occur. As a result, their employers—the trucking companies—may be liable for your damages.

At Dunk Law Firm, our Milwaukee trucking accident lawyers conduct exhaustive investigations in order to determine if any of the following parties may be liable for a truck accident:

  • The truck driver
  • The truck driver’s employer
  • The person/party responsible for truck maintenance
  • A supervisor or trainer
  • A hiring manager
  • The manufacturer of a defective truck part
  • The designer of a defective commercial vehicle
  • A construction company responsible for a defective road

Whether a truck accident was caused by truck driver error or negligence, such as drunk driving or speeding, or poor vehicle maintenance, hours-of-service/trucking industry regulation violations, improper training, or any other reckless, negligent, or wrongful act, our team knows how to look at the facts and determine who is responsible for your damages.

Who is Liable for My Truck Accident?

inspector looking at semi truck

There will be a central, important question to answer after you are in a truck accident: “Who caused it?” Liability in Wisconsin is determined through comparative negligence rules. In simple terms, the more a party contributes to the cause of an accident, the more liable they can be found, and the more damages they can be ordered to pay.

With liability in mind, proving who is liable for your truck accident is crucial. However, you might be surprised to find that the fault lies in not one party but several instead. Using our years of personal injury claim experience, our Wisconsin truck accident attorneys can investigate the details of your truck accident to better determine liability with the goal of reducing your own liability down to zero percent.

Other parties that could be liable for your truck accident are:

  • Truck driver: We never want to rule out the truck driver’s liability in a truck accident claim. No matter what happens, the trucker is the first and only person in control of their big rig. It is up to them to do all they can to prevent an accident, which usually means they are always liable to some extent.
  • Truck company: Many truck drivers are given driving schedules from a trucking company that contracts or hires them. The typical schedule puts a trucker on the road for up to 11 hours a day. As the hours go by, fatigue sets in, and the likelihood of a crash increases. Trucking companies could be found liable for making their worker drive while exhausted. Liability can also be placed on trucking companies if they own the truck and do not give it proper maintenance.
  • Truck manufacturer: Some truck accidents can be traced back to a truck part defect, like a brake system failure or a tire that bursts without warning. When a part defect causes or contributes to a crash, the part manufacturer must be considered as a defendant in any consequent claims or lawsuits.
  • Cargo crew: Retail stores, grocers, industrial warehouses, and more businesses use their employees to load commercial trucks with deliveries and cargo shipments. It is unusual for a truck driver or the trucking company to take any part in loading and unloading processes. If a truck accident is caused by poorly loaded cargo, like a tip-over accident because the trailer is top-heavy, then the company that employed the load crew could be partially liable.

There are a wide range of vehicle accident types and factors that could have led to your injuries. Some of the main types of fatal accidents in Wisconsin involve a large truck. These are often preventable accidents that result in insurmountable suffering or death. If you have suffered injuries, our truck accident injury lawyers can help you fight for compensation.

What Can I Sue For in a Truck Accident?

what can you sue for in a truck accident infographic

​If you have lost a loved one as a result of a trucking accident, you may have grounds to pursue a wrongful death claim with the help of a semi accident lawyer. This type of claim helps secure compensation for the surviving family of the victim and also cover funeral and medical expenses.

If you or a loved one were injured in a trucking accident but did not lose their life, you may be able to recover compensation for the following in a personal injury lawsuit:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical treatment
  • Lost income
  • Future lost wages
  • Terapia de rehabilitación
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium/companionship

You can determine what types of damages you may be entitled to by speaking with our Milwaukee injury lawyers in a free initial consultation. Don't hesitate to call!

What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement?

When it comes to determining the value of your truck accident lawsuit, your attorney will take into account several factors:

  1. The severity of your injuries
  2. The amount of negligence involved in the accident (both the truckers and your own)

In most cases a truck accident settlement can range anywhere from $100,000 to over a million. The more severe your injuries, the higher your settlement will likely be. To get a better idea of what your case may be worth, reach out to Dunk Law Firm today to discuss your accident in a free consultation.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Trucking accidents can be caused by a number of different factors including:

  • Exceso de velocidad
  • Aggressive or reckless driving
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Poorly loaded cargo
  • Mechanical failures
  • Conducción distraída
  • Conducir con fatiga
  • Driving while intoxicated

What Is the Most Frequent Type of Vehicle Accident in the Trucking Industry?

The most common type of truck accident is rollover accidents. In these types of accidents the semi truck will end up flipping on its side and either obstructing traffic or hitting another vehicle. Truck rollovers can be caused by a number of different factors including poor driving conditions (heavy wind, slippery roads, etc.), speeding, driving erratically, or even poorly loaded and secured cargo. In most cases, truck rollovers are a result of some form of negligence.

Put a Trusted Team on Your Side

When it comes to complex cases, like truck accident claims, experience matters. At our truck accident law firm in Milwaukee, we have the experience you need. Furthermore, we genuinely care about helping you and your family move forward from the accident and begin the healing process. Our truck accident lawyers in Milwaukee are here to answer your questions and advocate for you every step of the way.

We answer phone calls after normal business hours and on weekends, and our team can even schedule a same-day appointment to discuss your case. All initial consultations at Dunk Law Firm are completely free and there are never any out-of-pocket expenses for you.

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