Train Accident Lawyer in Galveston, TX

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Galveston Train Accident Lawyer

What Are Common Injuries From Galveston Train Accidents?

Galveston train accidents can cause serious injuries such as fractures (broken bones) requiring surgical repair, traumatic head injuries, various back & neck injuries, and in some cases wrongful death. A Galveston train accident attorney will work to help you make a monetary recovery for your injuries and losses. This may include pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of income, disfigurement, loss of normal life, and any other losses.

Types of Train Accidents that Causes Injuries

Train accidents occur in primarily two forms:

  • Accidents between trains
  • Collisions between trains and vehicles on the road

Accidents between trains usually get a lot of publicity. This is because there is always the risk of a large number of injuries or fatalities. Passenger trains in Texas regularly transport hundreds of passengers at a time. As a result, a crash between two of these trains can put many people at risk, in addition to those who are not on the train but in the vicinity of a crash.

In crashes between trains, it can be hard to determine who is at fault or whether multiple mistakes caused the accident. For instance:

  • A conductor not stopping at a signal.
  • A controller directing two trains on the same tracks at the same time.
  • Switching problems that make it impossible for trains to take separate tracks, resulting in two trains sharing a track at the same time.
  • Single train accidents, sometimes due to a defect in the train line itself. For instance, using low quality materials during construction, like substandard steel. When inferior products are used, a train is at a greater risk for derailment, which places every passenger in harm's way.

Texas Train Accidents Involving Cars

Trains in Texas can be involved in accidents with automobiles as well.

These typically occur at crossings where trains and automobiles both use the same part of a roadway. These crossings are controlled by signals and many have gates that lower to prevent cars from accidentally driving into the path of a train. But not all of the crossings are well regulated, and those that are sometimes have malfunctions.

When this happens, it is possible for a vehicle to cross railroad tracks at the same time an oncoming train will use the tracks, resulting in a collision between the train and car. These collisions are very serious and generally lead to injuries or death to the occupants of the vehicle. The passengers on a train can be injured too, particularly if the train brakes hard to avoid the crash or derails after impact.

With dozens of players involved and numerous ways a train accident can occur, it is not surprising that these claims can be difficult.

In addition, train employees have special protections under the law. The Federal Employees Liability Act, commonly known as FELA, can provide an avenue for an injured worker to recover for any kind of railway-related damages. These employees might have a claim under the law as well as a claim against an at-fault party so that several claims might actually exist.

Consult an Experienced Galveston Train Crash Lawyer

Train accidents often are severe and result in serious injury or death to dozens or even hundreds of passengers at a time. Furthermore, those in cars that are struck by trains are at a high risk for physical injuries and harm after an impact. Regardless of whether you were a traveler in a train or in a vehicle, if you have been involved in an accident with a train, you might be entitled to a monetary recovery for your injuries.

A personal injury lawyer can help you understand whether you have a claim and what damages you might be able to recover, including payment for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and also any other expenses you were forced to incur. With the facts of each accident and each injury differing from one another, it is a good idea to consult with an attorney to get advice specific to your situation.

Dunk Law Firm has represented several clients in which their injuries were a result of a train accident. Our Galveston train accident lawyers are here to help you. Our law firm has succeeded in resolving several train accident cases; we are always here to fight for your rights and make sure that the responsible individual's insurance provider pays you adequate compensation for your injuries.

Our practice concentrates on the rights of injured victims and those victims are the only people we represent. We only handle personal injury claims and we focus all of our time on fighting for the rights of those that are injured at the hands of another. When you work with the attorneys at Dunk Law Firm, you get a devoted legal team who will work relentlessly to get you the compensation you are entitled to.

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