Milwaukee Car Accident Lawyers

En Dunk Law Firm, realmente nos preocupamos por todos y cada uno de nuestros clientes. Sabemos que estar involucrado en un accidente inesperado o perder a un ser querido en un incidente trágico es abrumador. Estamos aquí para ayudar.

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Attorneys Fighting for You After a Serious Car Accident

Severely damaged car after a Milwaukee car accident

​​​​According to the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), there was more than 144,000 motor vehicle crashes in the state in 2018. Nearly 30,000 of those accidents resulted in injuries, while another 517 were fatal. Tragically, many of these accidents were entirely preventable. Prior to 2019, car accidents were one of the highest causes of death in Wisconsin for individuals between 1 and 45 years old. These statistics make it clear that car accidents are a true risk, despite improvements in technology.

If you or someone you love was involved in a car crash and you believe someone else was at fault, reach out to our car accident lawyers in Milwaukee right away. Since 2004, Dunk Law Firm has been representing injured individuals and the loved ones of those who died in motor vehicle accidents. Our team is devoted to helping you secure the fair recovery you need so that you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.

To discuss your case with a Milwaukee car accident attorney at our Milwaukee car accident law firm, contact Dunk Law Firm online or by phone at (414) 206-1295. Se habla español.

En esta página:

Liability in Car Accident Cases

Just like other types of personal injury claims, car accident cases are dependent on the issue of liability. In other words, you need to show that another person or party was mostly at fault for the accident that led to your injuries and/or damages.

Under Wisconsin’s modified comparative negligence laws, you can still recover compensation if you were partially at fault for the collision as long as the other person or party was more than 50% responsible. However, your total recovery will be reduced by the percentage of fault you are found to have. So, for example, if a jury determines that you were 20% responsible for the accident, your award will be reduced by 20%.

What Should You Do After a Car Accident in Milwaukee?

There are specific steps you should take after a car accident to help ensure that you are well protected and increase your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

You must first ensure that your injuries are taken care of and that you receive the medical attention you need after the accident. If anyone else is injured, they should also receive medical help if any injuries have been sustained.

Follow all of the doctor’s regulations and suggestions for your healing. Make sure you attend all appointments, take your medications, and do all steps that your doctor suggests. This will help you recover and also build your case.

Additionally, collect your medical records from the doctor. These will prove useful when building your claim. You will also want to collect the police reports from the accident.

You will want to work with your car accident attorney in Milwaukee to submit a personal injury claim to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

What Details Do I Need to Give After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, you should be prepared to provide the other driver with the same information that they need to provide you with. This includes:

  • Your full name
  • Your contact information (phone number is fine)
  • Insurance information including policy number
  • Your car registration details as well as its make and model
  • Make note of how many passengers were involved in the accident

After obtaining all of the above information from the other driver and giving them the same information, you should be prepared to file an insurance claim for your accident.

Why Do I Need a Milwaukee Auto Accident Attorney?

should you hire a car accident lawyer infographic

Hiring a Milwaukee car crash attorney is a big decision and not one to be taken lightly. However, it's certainly something you should consider. There are several benefits to having a lawyer represent you in your car accident claim:

  1. Hiring a car crash lawyer can help put you on the same playing field as the other driver or the insurance company who will no doubt have a lawyer representing them
  2. Having a Milwaukee auto accident lawyer represent you can help ensure you get fair compensation for each damage you sustained, rather than whatever amount the insurance company decides your accident was worth
  3. A car crash lawyer can help demonstrate to the other party that you're serious about obtaining compensation for your injuries and you won't be put off

While not every car accident requires a lawyer, you may want to consider hiring one if any of the following are true:

  • You were injured in the crash
  • You have missed work due to your injuries
  • You aren't being treated fairly by the insurance company
  • You are being blamed for the accident even though it wasn't your fault
  • You are unfamiliar with the legal process of filing a car accident lawsuit

Common Causes of Car Accidents

common causes of car accidents in milwaukee infographic

So, how can you tell if a car accident was someone else’s fault? Sometimes, it’s obvious, like when another driver runs a red light and hits your vehicle. Other times, however, it can be more difficult to prove who is to blame. For example, if your vehicle is equipped with a defective tire that blows out, causing you to lose control of your car and crash into another driver, who is at fault? It could be the manufacturer of the defective tire or, perhaps, the company responsible for designing or installing it. If the other driver was behaving negligently, they may even share a portion of the liability.

In any case, uncovering the true cause of the accident will often reveal who is liable.

Some of the most common causes of car accidents include:

At our car accident law firm in Milwaukee, we can investigate your case and look at all available evidence in order to determine who is at fault and who can be held liable for your injuries.

What Injuries Can You Get from a Car Crash?

emergency responders loading injured man into ambulance

If you have been involved in a car accident, even a minor fender bender, you most likely suffered injuries. Some of the most common injuries suffered in car accidents include:

  • Soft tissue injuries (whiplash, sprained or strained muscles, etc.)
  • Cuts, bruises, road rash
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Spinal injuries (slipped discs, paralysis, etc.)
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Pérdida de la extremidad
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

How Much To Expect from a Car Accident Settlement

When determining a fair settlement amount for a car accident lawsuit, our Wisconsin car accident attorneys will take into account the following types of damages:

Economic Damages

These types of damages include any out-of-pocket expenses that you experienced as a result of your accident and any injuries suffered. For example, it could include medical bills, lost income from missed work days, the cost of car repairs, etc. These damages are calculated based on the actual amount of money you were forced to pay out.

Non-Economic Damages

These types of damages cover hardships that do not have a specific dollar amount. For example, pain and suffering, post-traumatic stress disorder, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of companionship, etc.

How Can A Car Accident Attorney In Milwaukee Help Me?

Hiring a car accident attorney who you can trust is extremely important. Not only will your car accident lawyer fight to maximize your compensation amount, but he or she will also be by your side to guide and support you through every step of the legal process involved with your injury claim.

Here are some ways that a car accident can help you:

  • Filing your paperwork and ensuring that no mistakes are made.
  • Helping you stay on track with deadlines so processes aren't delayed.
  • Providing you with valuable legal guidance.
  • Collecting strong evidence to support your case.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies for maximum compensation.
  • Representing you in court and fighting for a favorable settlement for you.
  • Offering you psychological support and reassurance.

Did you or a loved one get into a car accident in Milwaukee? Our car accident attorneys in Milwaukee will go above and beyond to support you and maximize compensation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and to learn more information about the many ways that our Milwaukee car accident lawyers can assist you.

Seeking Fair Compensation for All Your Damages

In the wake of a car accident, you may suddenly find yourself facing a new set of challenges. Simply finding a doctor to provide adequate treatment for your injuries may feel overwhelming, not to mention the financial difficulties that come with missed work. In addition, you are likely dealing with significant physical pain and emotional suffering.

Our car crash lawyers in Milwaukee are here to help you pursue rightful compensation for all of your damages, no matter how complex your case may be. We have the resources and skills to serve as your advocate at every stage of the legal process. Here, we genuinely care about you and your recovery.

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